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How Simplicity Led Our Client Home

How Simplicity Led Our Client Home

After 40+ years of steady growth, our client found themselves at a complex crossroads. Their workplace no longer supported their company vision and ideal culture. Its traditional design heavily favored individual workstations and fixed office space, making it difficult for the organization to shift as its team grew and workstyles evolved. Their space had become a hindrance to their ability to achieve their business objectives.

2024 A Call for Simplicity

As we usher in a new year filled with possibilities, I’m optimistic! If we’ve learned anything from the last three years, it’s that despite all things, business must endure. With signs pointing to a steady year ahead, our businesses will continue to grow if we focus on the right things for our people.

2024 A Call for Simplicity
Manifesting Purpose Through Experience Visioning

Manifesting Purpose Through Experience Visioning

Today's organizations face uncharted territory when addressing their challenges. In the era of hybrid working styles, your workplace experience can be the key to helping attract, retain, and empower talent. However, cultivating an exemplary experience requires leaders to reframe their mindset, carefully considering how the needs of people align with the goals of their organization. It's about more than offering employees great amenities or flexible workspaces, because an office is entirely arbitrary without a carefully considered throughline of purpose. It takes vision to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Strategic Programming

Within your workplace strategy is the competitive edge you need to retain and engage your greatest asset—people.

Strategic Programming
Eliminating Experience Detractors

Eliminating Experience Detractors

So far this year, we outlined that the key to building customer, employee, or patient loyalty is a winning Experience Strategy. We discussed the three universal elements that draw people to engage with an environment and how to activate them for different users of a space. Furthermore, when we give purpose to our spaces, we build environments that turn our users into our business advocates. Undoubtedly, people want to be where they feel their best, but it’s the subtle details that keep them engaged – or don’t.

Now more than ever, people are prioritizing their comfort and convenience and are more critical when evaluating where they spend their time. People who are less drawn to or engaged with your space than expected may (knowingly or unknowingly) be affected by your Experience Detractors.

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